Rene Herman wrote:
On 13-04-08 12:51, James Courtier-Dutton wrote:
It seems to me that whatever way you look at this, A default value of "MUTE" is really the only safe level for all sound card types.
Always good to be ignored. How about that card specific "defaults" setup that I suggested?
I think this would theoretically work, but it requires creating and maintaining a database of all sound cards. And if a card is not in the database, there still has to be a default behavior. ;-)
Perhaps an entry could be added to the .asoundrc or asound.state file that sets this. Although the main time this is of import is the first time a sound card is used, so there would have to be a default entry :-). After that it retains its previous state and is not as important.
It looks like mute is a reasonable compromise, except for blind users.