On 30/07/18 11:18, Mark Brown wrote:
On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 10:31:16AM +0100, Jon Hunter wrote:
It can be quite common for the fsync-width for DSP modes to be a single clock and so I am not sure that is makes sense to set this here always to the slot width. It maybe worth considering add a DT property for specifying the fsync width.
DSP modes only care about the rising edge of the LRCLK, the pulse can be any width without causing interoperability problems.
OK, thanks I was not able to find a spec that defines this, but I saw a lot of codecs use a single bit clock width. So then equally making the default '1' should also be fine.
I still do not like configuring the fsync width in this function. The fsync width needs to be configured for both DSP modes and normal I2S modes and so it seems it would be more appropriate to do this in the hw_params function for this driver.
Cheers Jon