28 Jul
28 Jul
3:51 p.m.
On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 02:35:11AM +0200, srinivas.kandagatla@linaro.org wrote:
- if (wcd->hphl_jack_type_normally_open)
plug_type = CDC_A_HPHL_PLUG_TYPE_NO;
- if (wcd->gnd_jack_type_normally_open)
plug_type |= CDC_A_GND_PLUG_TYPE_NO;
It'd be clearer to use |= consistently, this is just confusing as it makes it look like there's a path where things aren't initialized.
- btn_result = snd_soc_read(codec, CDC_A_MBHC_RESULT_1) &
- if (!btn_result)
priv->mbhc_btn0_pressed = false;
- snd_jack_report(priv->jack->jack, 0);
This checks to see if the read worked, uses it to decide if it should clear the button pressed flag but unconditionally reports that the button is not pressed. It also discards the read error if there was one without reporting that. This needs cleanup.
- btn_result = snd_soc_read(codec, CDC_A_MBHC_RESULT_1) &
- switch (btn_result) {
- case 0xf:
snd_jack_report(priv->jack->jack, SND_JACK_BTN_4);
- case 0x7:
snd_jack_report(priv->jack->jack, SND_JACK_BTN_3);
- case 0x3:
snd_jack_report(priv->jack->jack, SND_JACK_BTN_2);
- case 0x1:
snd_jack_report(priv->jack->jack, SND_JACK_BTN_1);
- case 0:
priv->mbhc_btn0_pressed = true;
snd_jack_report(priv->jack->jack, SND_JACK_BTN_0);
- }
Here we silently ignore any value we get back from the chip that we didn't expect and all read errors.
+struct msm8916_wcd_mbhc_data {
- /* Voltage threshold when internal current source of 100uA is used */
- int vref_btn_cs[MBHC_MAX_BUTTONS];
- /* Voltage threshold when microphone bias is ON */
- int vref_btn_micb[MBHC_MAX_BUTTONS];
I'd expect to see some mechanism for configuring the threasholds via DT, not all vendors use the same specs for resistive buttons.