I am currently working on an ASoC driver for mx2x platforms. I am porting an old working ASoC driver for 2.6.22 + Freescale BSP kernel to current 2.6.30 kernel.
Among other things, I had to translate old Freescale's DMA api to the one provided in 2.6.30 for i.mx2x platforms.
Here I will describe the problem that I am having: in "aplay" I am using (buffer_size/period_size=4), each (2*period_size) samples I have some erroneous ones that should come (buffer_size) samples later, and this relation is valid for several values with (buffer_size/period_size=4).
I have a trace log with all details for DMA transfers that I have compared for both 2.6.22 and new 2.6.30 and they are identical. Some people has also told me that there could be a problem with DMA in mx2x platforms.
Do you have knowledge of this kind of problem? Is there a new DMA version for mx2x in any git repository?