Florian Faber wrote:
On Sunday 13 April 2008 12:51:54 James Courtier-Dutton wrote:
Are the output levels from the line out/speaker out connectors really any different between pro and cheap sound card?
The electric levels do differ. But that's not the point. The point is that you usually have active speakers and 0dB means full throttle. You don't have anything to alter the volume between the sound card and the speakers.
To give you an impression: My main out is -40..-36dB for work. If I want to talk to another person in the same room, I have to dim to -46dB max. If I throw a party, it might go up to -20..-15dB. 0dB will just pop out the ear drums.
All active speakers act as a combined amp and speaker. If you have a 50W active speaker, your -36dB for work might be right. But, if you have a 300W active speaker, your -36dB will probably be way too loud. This is essentially my point that the sound card cannot really decide which is a sensible level to output.