14 Jun
14 Jun
12:57 a.m.
Hi Dan
Thank you for your feedback
@@ -430,9 +430,9 @@ static int rsnd_adg_get_clkin(struct rsnd_priv *priv) for (i = 0; i < CLKMAX; i++) { clk = devm_clk_get(dev, clk_name[i]);
if (IS_ERR(clk))
if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(clk)) clk = rsnd_adg_null_clk_get(priv);
if (IS_ERR(clk))
if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(clk))
"clk" can't be NULL here, right? So this should just be:
if (IS_ERR(clk))
clk_register_fixed_rate() might return NULL ? I'm not sure detail. It is indicating that "error / NULL are both error on this driver".
(because when a function returns NULL it shouldn't print an error)
It is "from clk framework point of view" right ? This driver doesn't assume "NULL clk" for any case.
Thank you for your help !!
Best regards --- Kuninori Morimoto