Hi Mark, You previously indicated that I can instantiate multiple tlv320aic33 drivers. Can you please give me a clue how to do that? I've been staring at this for days, and I still don't really get how it's supposed to be done.
I tried adding the I2C devices, and it does get to the probe functions. However, when it comes to adding the mixer controls (SND_SOC_XXXX), it fails because there are already controls with those names, like "Right PGA Mixer" etc. The alsa layer doesn't seem to allow multiple registrations of the same control. How do I give each instantiation a unique identifier? Since the tlv320aic33 has about 80 controls, I'm going to end up with over 600 controls in alsamixer.
Are there any examples in the world that show multiple codecs in the same sound card that I can get a clue from?
Again, any help would be most welcome.
Thanks, -Caleb
On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 10:50 AM, Mark Brown < broonie@opensource.wolfsonmicro.com> wrote:
On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 10:31:15AM -0700, Caleb Crome wrote:
- Simply instantiate multiple TLV320IAC33 codec drivers, as the AIC33
driver is already written.
This seems like it won't work because I'd end up with multiple
user-space 'cards', yet I want the card to appear as a single 16-channel sound card. Also, when you start one PCM interface for one codec, they
No, you shouldn't. You'll end up with a single card.
would all start automatically, which I imagine the linux system wouldn't get. Also, the PCM interface needs to be configured differently for each codec (the TDM offset must be 0, 16, 32, 48, etc. bits).
The TDM stuff should be configured with the existing TDM API (you may need to implement this in the CODEC driver).