I'm new here and somewhat understand how to script php and python ... and very unskilled with linux... anyway i noticed that the default alsa mixer values for fast track ultra 8r are way off the optimal when the sound card is first time plugged in.
What I expected was clear stereo/surround sound, what i got was distorted mono sound with reverb! Far away from optimal settings!
So, I stated to seek knowledge on web, and finally stumbled upon a homepage that had some info about the Linux support.
What i found out was that the sound card has internal routing system, zero latency and a effect processor.Also i found out that the routing works by controlling the input/output levels at alsa mixer.
The problem, by default all alsa mixer values are assigned to 100%, this means the internal routing is routing everything to everything distorting the sound, and making the output mono!
The website I found had suggestion and a bash script to correct the internal routing: http://heikki.ketoharju.info/2013/03/linux-and-fasttrackultra/#comment-989
alas, the main article is a good read too :)
Well the script did not work for me, so i changed the settings manually to my alsa mixer, which took quite some time, and it works like a charm.
Anyway my best wish would be to get a fix for this sound card, so it would "just work" when plugged in.
Thanks for any info on how i could get this "patch" to be widely available so others could benefit it too.
Best regards, Petri