On 06.05.2015 22:23, Javier Martinez Canillas wrote:
+Krzysztof Kozlowski
Hello Inha,
On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 3:47 AM, Inha Song ideal.song@samsung.com wrote:
Hi Kukjin,
Any comments about this patch?
Best Regards, Inha Song.
It seems Kukjin didn't have time lately to deal with the huge backlog of patches for Exynos so Krzysztof (added as cc) has kindly volunteered to help him by acting as a co-maintainer and queuing patches.
So could you please for any patches that my have been forgotten (like $subject), rebase on current head, carry all the obtained tags and re-send cc'ing Krzysztof so he can be aware of them?
Thanks Javier, I queued this already with test-by tags. I'll try to push it next time... which I don't know when it happens as current pull request stalled.
Anyway I won't forget about the patch. It can be found here: https://github.com/krzk/linux/commits/samsung-for-next
Best regards, Krzysztof