On Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 12:12 PM Cezary Rojewski cezary.rojewski@intel.com wrote:
On 2020-06-19 8:24 PM, Curtis Malainey wrote:
On Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 1:34 AM Cezary Rojewski cezary.rojewski@intel.com wrote:
On 2020-06-19 3:21 AM, Curtis Malainey wrote:
On Thu, Jun 18, 2020 at 6:19 PM Pierre-Louis Bossart pierre-louis.bossart@linux.intel.com wrote:
We reverted this patch locally due to regressions and raised the issue with Cezary on Github, we got no response.
8ec7d6043263ecf250b9b7c0dd8ade899487538a is the first bad commit commit 8ec7d6043263ecf250b9b7c0dd8ade899487538a Author: Cezary Rojewski cezary.rojewski@intel.com Date: Mon Mar 30 21:45:20 2020 +0200
ASoC: Intel: haswell: Power transition refactor
This is the very first time I see hear about the issue. You raised no issue Curtis, instead, you did write a comment mentioning me in Closed thread thesofproject/linux which isn't even the driver issue relates to.
That thread was directed to getting that fixed, you were active on the thread, regardless of whether the repo is or not. The bugs fell past their SLOs that were sent to your team through issue trackers which meant your team was not responding.
If you scroll up a bit, in the very same thread there is a message notifying about official path for such issues. Said message was ack'ed by management before posting and that's why it's split from technical explanation.
And if you scroll down you see this comment from Ross https://github.com/thesofproject/linux/pull/1842#issuecomment-606232124 We both attended meetings with your team where this request was ignored. It took you only a couple of days to fix once we took this approach yet it sat in the backlog for months. Forgive me if I have little faith in your "official path." This was a major blocker for us and it sat untouched.
We've received no response from Harsha and Cedrik about the issue being risen. Official HSD-ticket is left unchanged since my feedback from 3rd April.
When someone tags you in a comment it is your job to read it as a Github developer, regardless of the status of the thread.
Help me help you - don't wait until problem escalates. Adhere to official protocols, notify early and stay in contact. Last time when your 'SOF github-IntelSST BDW' ticket finally did arrive at my desk, I drove back to campus, borrowed the only SAMUS we have and by the end of the week, the problem was fixed. Monday Mar30 you had the official response and patches applied.
Yes, after months of trying to get this fixed through the "official path" and failing. Don't let the issue escalate outside the trackers in the first place. Be active and respond to high priority requests. I still have yet to see a response from intel regarding a solution on any of the bugs regarding this issue. Our PM pinged Carol many times during the course of getting this fixed with no response. I don't see why I should post there when posting here clearly got a quicker response. In fact your are actually CCed on the bug where the revert was posted and you didn't even respond. Don't feed me lines.
I've forwarded your issue to required entities within Intel so issue is tracked appropriately.
Regards, Czarek
Let's make something clear - none of people from our companies found on the list who actively post changes or review them are decisive. Neither me nor you, Liam and Pierre and whoever else you find missing. That's the truth.
From Intel's perspective, I'm a resource. And those usually work with priority list in mind. If I were to take request from every mention/ tag/ CC/ To, you'd be waiting at least till Feb next year as that's roughly my current schedule. Under no circumstances treat SOF github or google-partner account as mean for assigning Intel's resources to fit your needs.
This is a matter of philosophy but I do disagree with this given that we have no access to your trackers but you do to ours, so that makes bug tracking hard if we won't unify on a single bug. There has to be collaboration somewhere.
You may have different deal with OTC but I'm not even part of SOF project team Curtis, thesofproject/linux isn't in my scope. If you insist on details, my github account was added to SOF project to help them deliver probe feature for you guys. When in need, priority list is shifted and resources are allocated where necessary. So, considering I've been helping at least 8 diff projects within past months, these should demand my full attention daily from then on?
Project balancing is part of the job. I balance a similar workload but does that mean that bugs can go unanswered. Acking is still better than silence.
No. That's management job - deal with issue prioritization as they see fit. I cannot speak for Harsha's, Cedrik's or Carol's teams and won't be defending them here. If what you say is true, it's sad official path failed so badly.
Thanks for being honest though, Curtis. I prefer facing the truth upfront. While as a dev lead I cannot escalate anything myself really, I'll certainly make sure your message is sound for those who can.
Thanks for propagating this information.
Regards, Czarek