On 02/02/2012 03:32 PM, Mark Brown wrote:
That's not a problem for using the bulk get - the array is part of the API so you can use regulator_bulk_get() and still look at individual supplies within the array later on when enabling and disabling them.
For some reason I have associated the use of regulator_bulk_get with the use of regulator_bulk_enable/disable. It did not even crossed my mind that I can still use regulator_enable on the individual regulators. Will convert the regulator_get/put to bulk operations. It will make the code a bit cleaner. Thanks
- ret = regulator_enable(twl6040->vio);
- if (ret != 0) {
dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to enable VIO: %d\n", ret);
goto power_err;
- }
- ret = regulator_enable(twl6040->v2v1);
- if (ret != 0) {
dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to enable V2V1: %d\n", ret);
I disable the vio here, if the v2v1 enable fails.
Oh, that's quite confusing when mixed in with the goto/unwind - it'd be clearer to have the extra lable to jump to.
I guess this is a matter of taste. However I have found some inconsistent naming with the exit labels, which I'm going to fix for the next series.