31 Jan
31 Jan
3:32 a.m.
On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 06:52:35PM +0530, Hebbar Gururaja wrote:
Convert MicBias widgets to supply widget.
On tlv320aic3x, Mic bias power on/off shares the same register bits with output mic bias voltage. So, when power on mic bias, we need reclaim it to voltage value.
This should update machine drivers that use the CODEC too.
+- ai3x-micbias-vg - MicBias Voltage required.
- 1 - MICBIAS output is powered to 2.0V,
- 2 - MICBIAS output is powered to 2.5V,
- 3 - MICBIAS output is connected to AVDD,
- If this node is not mentioned or if the value is incorrect, then MicBias
- is powered down.
Would 2.0V not be a more sensible default (it is the lowest voltage so is unlikely to cause hardware damage if it's wrong)?
Otherwise this looks good.