Dne 02. 07. 20 v 13:28 Pavel Hofman napsal(a):
Please is the requirement that EP OUT + EP IN implicit feedback data must be in the same interface really necessary? If such a requirement was dropped, IMO many devices could be removed from the existing set_sync_ep_implicit_fb_quirk and many devices would work out of the box,
I am still thinking about the single-interface requirement. If both endpoints were to be part of a single interface, could they use different altsettings for different sample lengths for capture and playback? E.g. to save USB bandwidth when the capture is used only for implicit feedback - capturing at 16bits, playback at 32bits.
In the quirked XMOS devices the common clock for both directions is defined by the clock feature, the altsettings for each direction (in separate interfaces) are used for setting sample length.
Thank you very much for any insight into the issue. IMO not having to add quirks before a device starts working would be advantageous for all involved.
Best regards,