;; Soryy for I am not a developer.. just a little info.
In 5eebe2e60706261223m358cdd56t539fa90bd5451a9a@mail.gmail.com "Tim Laszlo" tim.laszlo@gmail.com wrote:
Has anyone worked on developing an open source driver for the sound blaster x-fi cards? I've been sitting on one for about a year (mental note check support *before* buying..) and would love to use it already... Creative has promised drivers but they seem to be in no rush to support Linux. I'd like to try my hand at working on a driver for this, but without any technical specs from creative I wouldn't really know where to begin. Anyone have any suggestions on how to start? Anyone worked on this yet? Am I nuts for even considering this??
heh heh.. I bought SB0790(X-Fi XtremeAudio PCI) last month. snd_ca0106 driver attached to this card with alsa-driver-1.0.14, but I have no sound yet.
;; I do not have other OS on this machine, play only with Linux.
I dumped some information with lspci, hwinfo etc.. at http://www.stained-g.net/wiki/shinichiro/index.php?Creative.X-Fi.XtremeAudio
;; Sorry for my wiki was frozen for blocking wiki-spams.