Thanks for the link you emailed earlier. I tried writing my own code, based on the how to in the alsa wiki. I have attached that code with this email.
The problem it faces is a buffer underrun every alternate time, i try writing to the device.
In my code, to take care of underruns, I do the following:
period_size=64; buffer is a short int array which is 16000 in length. every alternate call to snd_pcm_writei is successful but only write in the vicinity of 1350 frames, instead of size which is initialised to length of buffer.
Now, in the code below, the snd_pcm_recover function prints a message indicating a buffer under-run has occured, however, it returns a 0, indicating success in recovery from the error!
I am not sure how to deal with this -- is there a problem with my ALSA libraries? Sorry about the length of this email and thanks again,
{ frames = snd_pcm_writei (pcm_handle, buffer, size); printf("frames returned is %d\n",frames); if (frames>0) temp=frames; if (frames == -32){ frames = snd_pcm_recover(pcm_handle, frames, 0); printf("recover returned %d\n",frames); } if (frames < 0){ printf("snd_pcm_writei failed: %s\n", snd_strerror(frames)); return -1; } printf("%d frames written\n",frames); if(temp>0) size=size-temp; }