10 May
10 May
8:14 a.m.
On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 11:41:20AM +0800, Shenghao Ding wrote:
- Divide one patch into two individual patches. compiling warning patch has been upstream in another patch (Fixes: 1ae14f3520b1 ("ASoC: tas2781: Fix a warning reported by robot kernel test"))
Oh, I see what's going on - when you split a patch up into several patches each individual patch needs to have it's own changelog describing what's going on in that specific patch. If you just replicate the changelog you had for the original patch into each of the split patches it will inevitably not describe the separated out patches well.
Please submit patches using subject lines reflecting the style for the subsystem, this makes it easier for people to identify relevant patches. Look at what existing commits in the area you're changing are doing and make sure your subject lines visually resemble what they're doing. There's no need to resubmit to fix this alone.