At Wed, 19 Dec 2007 14:45:32 -0200, Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski wrote:
Em Wednesday 19 December 2007 11:07:23 Takashi Iwai escreveu:
At Tue, 18 Dec 2007 22:40:31 -0200,
Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski wrote:
The below patches fixes capture mixers of ALC662 models. The first one applies to current hg tree, the second one to Linus tree (2.6.24-rcX).
The commit that added support for ASUS P701 eeepc also changed the mixers of other ALC662 models, duplicating entries for the Capture items, making them to not work anymore. This fixes it by removing duplicated entries using where possible the common alc662_capture_mixer. Also alc662_capture_mixer should use alc662* functions and not alc882 (I checked /proc/asound/card0/codec* on an eepc model and it's ok).
Signed-off-by: Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski herton@mandriva.com
Thanks for the patch. It's mostly OK, but the capture-related elements should be removed from alc662_base_mixer, too.
Could you check the patch (against HG) below works even with model=6stack-dig?
Yes, works fine here, thanks.
Thanks for confirmation. I applied the patch to HG tree now.