I have just started to develop a duplex audio processing application based on ALSA. My development goals are - of course - maximum stability as well as lowest possible delay (latency).
So, here is what I did on my Ubuntu laptop:
1) Setup of device/soundcard "hw:0,0" for processing at a samplerate of 44.1 kHz, buffersize 128 samples. 2) I created one input PCM device and one output PCM device handle 3) I use the function "snd_async_add_pcm_handler" to install a callback function (ASYNC mode), one for input, one for output. 4) I use "snd_pcm_link" to synchronize both pcm handles. 5) I use the mmap'ed area access
My motivation to work the way I do is to maximize the control of processing behavior and to minimize the latency. E.g., I have understood from the docs that the snd_pcm_read/snd_pcm_write functions do nothing else than addressing the memory mapped areas. As a conclusion, I realize this access myself to have more control about it. And by using the async callbacks, I do not have to deal with blocking or non-blocking read functions or polling related issues.
So far, I have realized the playback part and noticed some aspects which are not clear to me from the ALSA documentation:
a) What is the most efficient way to realize duplex audio processing, the async way with mmap'ed read/write that I follow? b) At first, I created the pcm handles as follows: "snd_pcm_open (.., SND_PCM_ASYNC);" When starting to process audio (call of "snd_pcm_start"), I realized that the registered callback functions do not get called. I had to change this to "snd_pcm_open (.., 0);". Is that really intended, it seems contradictory? c) The function "snd_pcm_info_get_sync" is supposed to return a description of the synchronization behavior of a soundcard. In my case, I called this function for two soundcards (one USB and the laptop integrated soundcard). In both cases, the returned content is all zeros. Should not this be different for both devices? d) By default, it seems that the callbacks for audio frames come within a thread with normal priority. On Windows OS, I am used to increase the thread priority whenever starting my threads, but it is commonly not a good idea to increase the process priority. In the ALSA latency-example, the PROCESS priority is increased (which can be done only with superuser priv.). What is the recommended way in Linux to achieve lower latencies?
In the future I will have to deal with synchronization of input and output since the samples arrive/leave my application in two independent callback functions. So what will I do: Once input samples are available I will store these in one buffer, and these samples will be output the next time when there is space in the output ring buffer. In order to minimize the latency, I would need to know more about the intended exact behavior of the ALSA lib which I did not find in the documentation:
I) If linking input and output with "snd_pcm_link", I have understood that the changes of state for input and output PCM handle will occur synchronously. That is, when doing the operation such as "snd_pcm_prepare" on one of the handles, both handles will be affected. However, what does this means for audio processing on the frame level: If I use two callbacks for signal processing for input and output respectively installed based on the function "snd_async_add_pcm_handler", will these callbacks occur simultaneously? On Windows OS (speaking of ASIO sound) there is one callback in which input and output is handled simultaneously. Can I somehow setup ALSA to have a similar behavor?
Thank you for any assistance and best regards