On Sat, Oct 05, 2024 at 05:40:53PM +0200, Markus Elfring wrote:
A devm_kzalloc() in asoc_qcom_lpass_cpu_platform_probe() could
possibly return NULL pointer. NULL Pointer Dereference may be triggerred without addtional check.
How do you think about to use the term “null pointer dereference” for the final commit message (including the summary phrase)?
Would you like to avoid any typos here?
sound/soc/qcom/lpass-cpu.c | 2 ++
Did you overlook to add a version description behind the marker line? https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/Docu...
Regards, Markus
This is the semi-friendly patch-bot of Greg Kroah-Hartman.
Markus, you seem to have sent a nonsensical or otherwise pointless review comment to a patch submission on a Linux kernel developer mailing list. I strongly suggest that you not do this anymore. Please do not bother developers who are actively working to produce patches and features with comments that, in the end, are a waste of time.
Patch submitter, please ignore Markus's suggestion; you do not need to follow it at all. The person/bot/AI that sent it is being ignored by almost all Linux kernel maintainers for having a persistent pattern of behavior of producing distracting and pointless commentary, and inability to adapt to feedback. Please feel free to also ignore emails from them.
greg k-h's patch email bot