2010/6/14 James Courtier-Dutton james.dutton@gmail.com
On 14 June 2010 15:17, Colin Guthrie gmane@colin.guthr.ie wrote:
I've made this change on my system and while previously my UI had no "Base Volume" displayed (because all my "h/w" (I include softvol in that) controls had their dB value >0.
Now that this change is live, I have a base volume present in my GUI (at around the 64% mark with the cubic scale we've already discussed). When I set my volume ot the base volume, the h/w controls are all set to 0dB which is exactly as expected.
I fail to see the point here? The base volume is clearly exposed to the as the recommended point on the scale at which no clipping occurs.
I really don't get where your complaint is.
alsamixer -D pulse does not show that sweet spot to the user
Well, if you can define "Volume" in a way that lets you understand this then fine. For me, all these controls are not adjusting "Volume", they are adjusting "Gain", so why are they even called "Base Volume".
If you play music using aplay or mplayer with modified front device , you should notice that the playback signal after passing the softvol plugin is already clipped when you set the softvol to 12dB (software gain is the cause of this clipping )