Tobin Davis ha scritto:
The only way to support Midi on that system is via software midi. There is no hardware midi support directly to the system (no place to plug in midi devices), except through USB or possibly integrated in a docking system. To get Midi support for Linux, use Timidity (http://timidity.sourceforge.net). This will convert midi sequences to pcm audio tracks.
ok.. they sucks :) anyway i know how to do software midi.. i've written a guide for it too some times ago, thanks
I personally can't translate the specs listed, but from what I can tell, the system should have a Line-in, Mic-In, and HP-out jacks, along with 4 internal speakers (nothing indicating surround sound). It does have SPDIF out, and I would assume that will allow surround sound if hooked up to a digital receiver, as SPDIF is essentially a digital pass-through. The codec itself only has two DACs, which could be configured between the headphones and speakers to do a quasi-surround4.0 setup, but based on the chip diagram would take some additional programming effort.
i'm 130% sure there's a subwoofer anyway..
And I'm sorry I dropped the ball in helping here. I wish I could spend more time on Alsa, but economics forces me to have a full time job doing non-alsa work at this time. Bad excuse, I know.
i understand it :) no problem! thanks a lot for what you have done!
I'll try to get my test board working again this week, and I'll even download the Windows drivers for your system to use as a baseline for comparison. No guarantees, though.
ok.. if you found something keep me informed, thanks! -- Daniele