maybe you do not know but Realtek has in download section its own alsa 1.0.24 source package with additional code for Realtek codecs. Because this code has almost zero chance to reach end users because everyone uses vanilla alsa from alsa site or from kernel.org or alsa from distro package I thought it would be good to exctract it and put it here for inclusion in mainstream/kernel alsa. This way all users will benefit from it and code will not be wasted. The attached patch contains cleaned up diff between: alsa-driver-1.0.24.tar.bz2 from alsa-project site and LinuxPkg_5.16rc12.tar.bz2 dated 2011/4/28 from realtek.com.tw site.
Its strange that Realtek cooks this in silence instead posting it to alsa for everyone. I hope Realtek will have nothing against merging these changes mainstream. This way Realtek hardware will be better supported by Linux distros.
have a nice day, Zbigniew Luszpinski