# default Arago configuration pcm.card0 { type hw card 0 } ctl.card0 { type hw card 0 } pcm.VOUTR { slave.pcm card0 slave.channels 2 # type plug type route ttable { # Copy both input channels to output channel 0 (Left). 0.0 1 1.1 1 # Send nothing to output channel 1 (Right). 0.1 0 1.1 0 } } ctl.VOUTR { type hw card 0 } pcm.VOUTL { slave.pcm card0 slave.channels 2 # type plug type route ttable { # Send nothing to output channel 0 (Left). 0.1 1 0.1 1 # Copy both input channels to output channel 1 (Right). 0.0 0 1.1 0 } } ctl.VOUTL { type hw card 0 } ### Dsnoop splited channels pcm.VINL { type dsnoop ipc_key 32 slave { pcm "card0" channels 2 } bindings.0 0 } pcm.VINR { type dsnoop ipc_key 32 slave { pcm "card0" channels 2 } bindings.0 1 } ### PLUGS ## ### used with darkice ### device = plug:plug_onboard_left #pcm.plug_VINR{ # type route # slave.pcm "VINR" # slave.channels 1 # ttable.0.0 1 #} #pcm.plug_VINL{ # type route # slave.pcm "VINL" # slave.channels 1 # ttable.0.0 1 #} pcm.!default VOUTR pcm.!default VOUTL