Takashi Iwai schrieb:
As far as migrating the website on to this wiki, it would be very helpful to have a list of the source pages and their wiki equivalents that need migrating, otherwise it is very hard for a volunteer to pick a page and do it. E.g. page [[WebMigration]] contains
Volunteers need to migrate these pages. Pick a page below, and create the matching wiki page. Once you have done this, delete the line from here
[http://alsa-project.org/applications.php] [[Applications]] ... etc
Yes, that's a good idea. Care to add it on the top?
I agree with that, too. My question: who knows the current ALSA web site well enough to fill this list?
If the (currently active) contributors to the developer wiki agreed, I'd be willing to do the grunt work of moving the pages.
That'd be greatly appreciated.
but the page 'owners' might prefer to do the copy and keep the authorship intact...
JamesCourtierDutton 15 pages LiamGirdwood 2 or 3 pages ClemensLadisch 1 page NormanSchleicher 2 pages JohnUtz 3 pages JaroslavKysela 5 pages
Any of you have objections about this? (sorry I couldn't find Norman's address...)
When I moved the unofficial wiki from an old wiki software to a new MediaWiki wiki, we decided that it was not worth the extra effort to keep the authorship intact. Instead, there is a note on the wiki's about page which linked to a mirror of the old wiki.
If it is possible to track down the authors (like you did above), you could also just list them on an extra page (maybe "AlsaWiki:Authors") showing the contributions of these authors to the old wiki. Then, whenever you move a page to the new wiki, you could link to this page in the comment ("Moved from old wiki. For details about authorships see [[AlsaWiki:Authors]].").
And, in the official wiki, would we want a separate Development: namespace? Something the wiki-master needs to create. or is a Development: category a better way to go.
I think the catgoery should suffice. But I'm no Wiki expert al all, so would like to hear from other skilled guys.
Quote from http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Namespace_manager: "Generally, namespaces should not be used to categorize content of the same type -- that is what categories are for." On the other hand, new namespaces should be created, "if you have a type of content which you feel is substantially different from the content in the existing namespaces". Im not sure whether this is the case with the developer content...
Also, there are some technical things that come along with using a namespace:
* A different namespace could have a different visual appearence to be distinguished from other namespace (see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Using_custom_namespaces#Custom_colors_f...)
* A namespace can be searched exclusively which can't be done by a category. Analogicly, the simple search can be set to only search the "Main:" namespace (default) or more namespaces.
The downside of a namespace is, that they can only be configured by administrators (changig config files manually). As this has only to be done once, I think that shouldn't be that much of a problem.
I think, the choise of using a namespace or a category comes down to the question how different the content and its audience is. If it is really different, it should be excluded from the default search (so newbies won't stumble on it by accident), distinguished visually and so on. In that case, a namespace is what we need. If it makes sense to be integrated with the rest of the wiki, a category is the better choise. Unfortunately, I don't know the content of the two wikis well enough to make that choise...
At the end of this migration, we'd be down to 2 wikis, both MediaWiki, so a future merge would be easier(???)
Indeed, there are in- and export functions since a couple of version of mediawiki.
==================================== Integrating official and unofficial is a bridge to cross...later. However, setting up some interwiki mappings between the 2 would make it easier to crosslink:
Thanks for the information!
I'm happy that someone initiated a discussion on that topic again. Maybe I can get motivated to join the merging process after I finished my exams :-)
Greets, Ingo