16 Aug
16 Aug
3:11 p.m.
On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 05:09:23PM +0800, bardliao@realtek.com wrote:
From: Bard Liao bardliao@realtek.com
We can select the clock source of some digital widgets in rt5645. This patch adds the controls of those selections.
This is exposing the clocking configuration directly to userspace. I'm really not sure we should be doing this, it's not how we typically handle clocking in ASoC - usually the clock management is done in the kernel as it typically needs to be coordinated with other things such as clock API operations. Userspace control tends to be a system level thing offered by the machine driver.
It's possible that there's a case for doing this directly in userspace but you need to make it in the changelog.