2009/6/25 Emilio López buhitoescolar@gmail.com
I posted a new patch some time ago, can you try it?
Sorry but i have problems with drivers now, after trying your patch i decided to reinstall drivers with my patch. I install by
su ./configure make make install
But after install alsamixer shows that chip of standart device is NVIDIA mcp78 hdmi (it's is HDMI output). And there is no ALC888 device. I don't know what to do. Any ideas? (please dont send them to maillist it's not about this theme)
- there is only 1 map for jacks: front/ext mic/ (something i dont
know, it should be line in)
My laptop, Aspire 6930, has a black jack (headphones), a pink one (external mic) and a light blue one (line in). What's the difference with your laptop?
In my laptop various functions can be assigned to jacks. For ex. blue can be side(in 4 channel and 6 channel modes) or line in (in 2channel mode). So there are 3 maps: for 2, 4, 6 channel modes. In 6 channel mode i can connect laptop with 5.1 speakers for ex, in 4 ch i can use quadro speakers and ext mic, in 2ch i can use headphones,ext mic and line in.
- there no side and center channels
Subwoofer is LFE, the other speaker is Front. Is any other speaker missing?
I think you understand me already (read my second answer)
- internal mic dont work
It works here, did you choose "Int mic" and raised the volume to max?
Yes, of course.
- there no line in in input source menu in mixer
- Subwoofer controls with LFE channel in mixer
? 7) i dont know how spdif works, because i have not any spdif speakers in house
Same here, unfortunately.
BTW, I'm Emilio, with "E" hehe
Sorry, Emilio! ))