On 01/30/2017 02:45 PM, Jonathan Woithe wrote:
I will keep this brief.
I wish the ALSA project well for its future work, and urge project members to treat all participants with the basic human rights of respect and dignity which were not afforded to me over the past two years on alsa-devel.
It is always sad to read this kind of stuff in a everyday work. It is sadder to see it in a Open Source Project where the main goal of the community is *BEING COMMUNITY*.
I hope Jonathan will regret to this option, and all people who is fighting by words with him, will make the things clearer and clearer.
In the honor of Open Source Community, a place where the ideas of EVERYONE are debated and reworked in a clever way, not offending anyone.
Please excuse me for the bad-written-english but it is not my native spoken language, and hoping to drive all of you in the right direction of my speech,
I remain, yours faithfully,