12 Nov
12 Nov
6:29 p.m.
On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Ben Dooks ben-linux@fluff.org wrote:
Is playing with the dma parameters like that the correct way?
Well this worked for me. I'm opened to better solutions and to resend a patch but it's no clear to me how to proceed.
Out of curiosity I did a search in Openmoko if someone noticed the same problem and found some people that had 8 bit ringtones sounding awful on the neo/forerunner. But they just resampled them to 16bit 44khz and lived happy. Unfortunately for consultants there is always the customer that wants to play that old 8-bit 11khz wav with the vocal announcement from 10 year ago.
Christian Pellegrin, see http://www.evolware.org/chri/
"Real Programmers don't play tennis, or any other sport which requires
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spring up in the middle of the computer room."