On 14-04-08 19:00, Lennart Poettering wrote:
On Sat, 12.04.08 21:32, Rene Herman (rene.herman@keyaccess.nl) wrote:
If we add in ISA cards, it's not a very generic assumption at least. For example on my cs4236, "master" is -94,5 to +12 dB with 0dB at "87" in the integer scale.
It's a "Master Digital Gain" -- not sure what that "digital" implies as it very much seems to be positioend in the post output mixer analog path...
Maybe the driver should add an internal offset to the dB scale, to guarantee that 0dB is max, instead of just copying the hw specs?
No, really quite definitely not. 0 dB means no attenuation of amplification. How loud that actually ends up is very much dependent on what's _behind_ your line-out.
In this specific example, the cs4236 master is split in a digital part -60 dB to 0 and an anlog -34,5 to +12. I most certainly want "0 dB" to mean no analog amplification (nor (digital) attenuation, but the analog is what I want to know) is being done.
And "Reply-To" from my previous message should be "Mail-Followup-To". Please kill that.