2012/4/23 Mark Hills mark@pogo.org.uk:
I can, but I'll need some assistance or documentation to explain how. I took a quick look, and it wasn't very clear.
I presume this adds dB values to the mixer? Unless I have taken some measurements is it not better to leave them unassigned than add bogus values?
Yes, measurements would be great but I haven't done any measurements on the FTUs either.
The TLV callbacks I've added to the volume controls enhances the usability of the controls anyway. Without the TLV callbacks I would have to go to at least 90% in amixer etc. to hear anythin at all. With TLV callbacks I can hear a difference all over the control range.
(Chances are, that the returned dB gain values are correct since the devices opeerate nearly standard conform.)
Just try with your S16 controls like I did for the FTUs and see if it makes a difference for you.