Still no good news about the mixer bug? Regards,
Le jeudi 05 février 2009 00:01:10 Aurélien Croc, vous avez écrit :
It is the first thing i gave to you when i related the problem. For information, the next link is the alsa-info output when the digital microphone -works- and the headphone -doesn't- work: 96
[...] Please post the contents (run with --no-upload option) instead of URL.
You will find attached to this email the alsa-info output where the microphone -works- (but not the headphone). You already have the output for the other case.
Also, please give the alsa-driver version (or kernel version it's included) of each one.
The alsa version (where the microphone works) is: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.18rc3.
The alsa version where the microphone doesn't work is the one you sent to me (you given to me an alsa snapshot).