Dunno, but kernel-parameters.txt was already quite long... for a file that is referenced quite often. Adding admin-guide/ into the path does not really help.
The big string name starts with Documentation/ :) There are some discussions about changing it to doc/ (or docs/). Also, as you said, kernel-parameters is already a big name. Perhaps we could use, instead,
If we rename kernel-parameters.rst to kernel-parms.rst, plus the doc/ rename, then the string size will actually reduce:
(see Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt), the minimum possible
(see doc/admin-guide/kernel-parms.rst), the minimum possible
Maybe admin-guide should go directly into Documentation/ , as that's what our users are interested in?
There are several problems if we keep them at Documentation/ dir:
We'll end by mixing documents already converted to ReST with documents not converted yet;
A rename is needed anyway, as Sphinx only accepts ReST files that end with the extension(s) defined at Documentation/conf.py (currently, .rst);
A partial documentation build is made by sub-directory. If we put files under /Documentation, there's no way to build just one book.
Well, documentation is primarily for users. I'm sure tools can adapt...
Plus, I'm not sure how many developers will figure out that process/ is what describes kernel patch submission process. We have processes in the kernel, after all...
Do you have a better idea?
development/ ?
Best regards, Pavel