Artem Makhutov schrieb:
[...] I have done some small test with some AT commands using Windows and was trying to get audio to COM16 without the "Mobile Partner" software. But it did not worked.
The payload of this interfaces is 320 bytes.
How many bytes per second?
The phone is sending 320 bytes every 20ms. So one second of call is 16000 bytes.
I finally managed to write the captured payload data to a file. I can playback the audio now using
aplay -r 8000 -c 1 -f S16_LE test.wav
If you send the AT-Command "AT^CVOICE?" to the card then it will answer with "^CVOICE:0,8000,16,20" it is also possible to change this setting. So I think that the card should be able to output other audio formats too (like 3G wideband audio), but I have not tested this command out.
The next thing to do is to find out how to make the UMTS-Card output sound without using the "Mobile Partner" application.
Regards, Artem