Dne 14. 12. 19 v 17:52 Takashi Sakamoto napsal(a):
Hi Jaroslav,
On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:17:12PM +0100, Jaroslav Kysela wrote:
Dne 01. 12. 19 v 9:04 Takashi Sakamoto napsal(a):
Hi Jaroslav,
Since Audio Mini Conference 2018, I continued to work for alsa-gi[1] in my local to integrate toward better I/O libraries. However I realized that its basic design includes some disadvantages to produce useful APIs.
I rethink the design and realize it better to wrap each of structures in <sound/asound.h> simply. Then, I restart it as alsa-gobject[2]. At present, master branch includes a library, `libalsactl0` for the most of I/O features in ALSA control interface, which is compatible with GObject mechanism and GObject introspection.
Jaroslav, would you please delete the alsa-gi repository and fork the master branch from my alsa-gobject repository, then apply enough configurations to the new repository?
Hi Takashi,
I am sorry that it took so long but I was really busy with other things. The alsa-gobject repository is set, synced with git.alsa-project.org now like other repos. The settings should be similar to alsa-gi, so you should have write permissions. If you hit any issue, just let me know.
The original alsa-gi repository was archived and I will remove it later.
There is only one difference - I did not clone this repo from yours via github. It might make sense, if you fork the alsa-project repo to your github repository and push your changes back (alsa-project/alsa-gobject -> takaswie/alsa-gobject), so the fork link system on github will be updated properly.
Thanks for your arrangement against the busy week ;) According to your instruction, I update my remote repository for the link system. My remote alsa-gi repository is also private now and will be removed enough later.
Here excuse me for request you another work for documentation of alsa-gobject. I utilize glib/gobject architecture developed by GNOME project for gtk+. Documentation can be automatically generated by gtk-doc. I'd like to publish the documentation in github pages[1]. I'd like you to add another repository to maintain the publish the documentation.
You can see an actual example of documentation for libhinawa. The documentation is available in URL of github.io, and published documents are maintained in my remote repository[3].
But this is not a kind of urgent work. I'm OK that you make it enough later ;)
I created the new docs repo:
You should have the admin access for this repository, too.
Thanks, Jaroslav