I am trying to add sound support for ams-delta omap machine, yet without much success.
Three years ago, Mark Underwood created an omap-alsa compatible driver that basically worked[1]. It was derieved from similiar driver for aic23 codec found on omap osk machine. It looks like Mark has never managed to finish his work. It's not clear for me if he has found that getting a working fullduplex sound is technically impossible on a voice modem codec, shared among modem and cpu, controlable only from modem side afaik, but I have decided to give it a try.
Since Mark's initial work, omap-alsa framework has been depreciated in favour of soc-omap. API changes are so significant that Mark's code is rather not useable directly any more. However, I am trying to use it as a starting point, by comparing it against it's prototype osk/aic23 code.
Following Mark, I am trying to derieve the new ams-delta sound driver from current asoc driver for omap osk9512. For codec part, I decided to base my work on much more simple ad73311 rather that tlv320aic23.
Comparing Mark's code agaist it's osk/aic23 prototype, I can see the folowing significant changes: 1. rate tables/bitmaps found in hw_constraint_rates, snd_omap_alsa_playback and snd_omap_alsa_capture structures limited to 8kHz, 2. hardware related code found in codec_configure_dev(), codec_clock_on() and codec_clock_off() callback functions replaced with ams-delta hardware specific code that switches the codec DAI pins from modem chip to mcbsp cpu interface and back, 3. codec_set_samplerate() and all mixer related functions replaced with stubs. 4. the following McBSP register settings changes:
- .srgr1 = FWID(DEFAULT_BITPERSAMPLE - 1), + .srgr1 = CLKGDV(0),
- .srgr2 = GSYNC | CLKSP | FSGM | FPER(DEFAULT_BITPERSAMPLE * 2 - 1), + .srgr2 = GSYNC,
- .pcr0 = CLKXP | CLKRP, /* mcbsp: slave */
I have found points 1. to 3. rather trivial to implement in new framework. Regarding point 4., it looks like detailed register settings are now done inside omap-mcbsp.c, based on machine specified format, so I have to find out what format should be specified for ams-delta. Please correct me if I am missing something.
There was one more modification in Mark's code, addressing dma chaining problem on omap15xx hardware, but as far as I could see, the problem was already solved in the asoc omap framework.
Initially, I based my work on ompenembedded provided linux-omap.git revision 90e758af52ba803cba233fabee81176d99589f09. The results were rather poor - total system hangup after first device access, with no single message. So I have switched to linux-2.6.30-rc5 and now I can safely access the device, however it does not work as expected. aplay and arecord wait forever, cat to/from /dev/dsp breaks with hardware error messgae. DMA interrput counters stay at 0. However, codec switching that I do from machine->ops->startup/shutdown seems working, as modem stops producing any sounds while the alsa device is in use and gets back thereafter.
First of all, I'd like to make sure if my problem is related to my code only. As I am new in these areas, I would like to ask you if the omap asoc framework is stable enough to relay on. If yes, could you please look at my dirty code (attached) an give me some hints? I can provide you with more information if necessary.
Regards, Janusz
[1] http://www.earth.li/pipermail/e3-hacking/2006-April/000481.html