In resume from S3, HDAC HDMI codec driver dapm event callback may be operated before HDMI codec driver turns on the display audio power domain because of the contest between display driver and hdmi codec
This patch adds the device_link between soc card device (consumer) and hdmi codec device (supplier) to make sure the sequence is always
Signed-off-by: Libin Yang
Reviewed-by: Takashi Iwai
Is it an issue that has been present for older released kernels? If so, it deserves for Cc-to-stable.
Yes and no. In theory the same problem impacts the Skylake driver. However its support for HDMI has been flaky at best, see e.g. the probe/timing issues on Linus' laptop and a variety of devices in December, and the only real distribution using it - ChromeOS - does not resume from S3. Not to mention that products typically use 3.18 to 4.9.
Agree with Pierre. I have tested on 4.1x before (I didn't remember the exact version number), it works well. On some later stable versions, for example 5.0.0, we can easily reproduce this issue.
And for other earlier version, I didn't have ever test on it.
Regards, Libin