Yes, testing the latest code with real machines is highly appreciated. Try sound-unstable git tree, either master or test/hda-migrate branch. git://
Alternatively you can build the external alsa-driver modules from alsa-driver-unstable snapshot tarball, too
Note that only the behavior of model=auto has been changed in the tree above. The other model behaviors of AD codecs are unchanged at all.
Mixer crashes are gone. As I wrote I have no way to test the digital output.
I haven't found a way to test multi stream playback either. After choosing HP Independant enabled I can't hear nothing through the headphone.
Did audio work with suspend and resume since my p5b-v ad1988 cannot suspend / resume anymore after install Ubuntu 12.04 ?
Audio can suspend / resume in fedora 10 for different version of alsa driver
Seen many ad1988 controls are missing ?
1) rear Mic, line , front Mic playback volume and switch 2) CD playback switch 3) input mix in input source 4) analog loopback mix volume and mute switch