On Sat, Sep 05, 2015 at 06:46:04AM -0700, Doug Anderson wrote:
On Sat, Sep 5, 2015 at 1:31 AM, Russell King - ARM Linux linux@arm.linux.org.uk wrote:
On Fri, Sep 04, 2015 at 07:03:11PM -0700, Doug Anderson wrote:
AKA: just replace your entire "compute_n" function with:
return (128 * freq) / 1000;
...and it's 100% simpler _and_ gets you a (marginally) better rate (assuming you really have 22.175000). If it was just about a 32000.222 vs 32000 I'd not be saying anything right now. It's about adding complexity.
No. It doesn't work for all cases. Do the calculations for every sample rate in those tables in the HDMI spec, and you'll find out why.
If you know the answer, just tell me. If you're talking about 74.25 vs. 32 kHz it is further evidence of what I'm saying. Note that picking only one of the two listed CTS values again puts you in a worse position for regenerating the proper audio clock then just using the default N=4096.
No it doesn't.
74.25MHz/1.001 * 4096 / (128 * 32000) = 74175 (rounded down)
Now do the calcuation.
(74.25MHz/1.001) / 74175 * 4096 = 4096045.511 => 32000.35556Hz => error of 0.001111%
Now for the calcuation using the proscribed figures.
(74.25MHz/1.001) / 210937 * 11648 = 4096009.709 => 32000.07585Hz => error of 0.000237%
That's significantly less error using that than your "better" idea. Now, if we take the pixel clock rate as 74.175MHz, which is just a representation of 74.25MHz/1.001:
74.175MHz / 210937 * 11648 = 4095964.198 => 31999.72029Hz => error of 0.0008741%
That's still lower than your "better" idea.
And as I've already said, the pixel clock rate given to us here will be the _specified_ clock rate of 74.175MHz, *not* some cocked up platform screwed crap that you think we will. It _will_ be 74175 not 74170 or some other shite like that.
Right, I've had enough. I'm going to be ignoring this thread from now on, this is a waste of my time - you clearly have no understanding of what's going on here.