24 Mar
24 Mar
9 a.m.
Dag Lem dag@nimrod.no writes:
- Turn off IEC958 (e.g. in alsamixer).
- Start playing a 44.1kHz sound file with aplay (no sound is output, of course).
- Interrupt aplay.
- Turn on IEC958.
- Play an AC3/DTS file from DVD (mplayer dvd:// -ao alsa -ac hwdts,hwac3,)
I've an interesting weirdness :
If I switch iec958 in alsamixer while playing PCM , I can see when switching on: * verb sent to switch iec958 on : snd_hda_codec_write: nid 6 direct 0 verb 70d parm 81 snd_hda_codec_write: nid 6 direct 0 verb 300 parm b000 * my amp 'digital source' going on with 48KHz
When switching off : * verb sent to switch iec958 off : snd_hda_codec_write: nid 6 direct 0 verb 70d parm 80 snd_hda_codec_write: nid 6 direct 0 verb 300 parm b080 * my amp 'digital source' going on with 48KHz
But while playing ac3 with ac3dec, nothing happens. No verb is sent to the codec, and the 'digital source' indicator on my amp stays on.
Still digging...