On 22. 4. 2022, at 15:06, Mark Brown broonie@kernel.org wrote:
On Fri, Apr 22, 2022 at 02:53:54PM +0200, Martin Povišer wrote:
Oh, I see - the speaker actually allows configuration of the slots independently. Usually the left/right thing on mono devices only does something for I2S where the bus clocking enforces that there be both left and right channels. Either configuration is fine by me TBH, if you can do that then you could just keep them mapped to the same channel then mark the control as disabled since it should have no effect.
Well but is there some established way to mark a control as disabled?
Ha! Great.
Another issue here is that if I disable it I can’t leave the routing control in it’s default value, which is ‘I2C Offset’ and makes the speaker amp ignore the slot mapping.
Sure, that's fine - if a control genuinely has no effect it's fine to hide it from userspace. The issue is where it's just that you don't see the use, if the control demonstrably does nothing then that's fine.
So I assume I can set the control from the machine driver then disable it.
Anyway, good, this is what I meant earlier when I said the controls I want to hide are 'useless/confusing at best’. I must walk back that they are ‘dangerous at worst’, but I am glad we can hide them anyway. (Not all of them of course, ISENSE/VSENSE will not be hidden, neither the routing control on systems with single mono speaker.)