Back to the Helix once more .....
I already informed Nicola about latest Line6 firmware 2.8 ff changes.
All Helix devices seem to get a new product id due to the new core changes.
Additionally we have now an endpoint 5 for HID support ( applied dump ). Not sure what we can make out of this
cause a lack of investigation time. The audio endpoint descriptors are unchanged.
The problem with not working implicite feedback stays, so i still use my arbitrary 48005 Hz hack.
Without slight pop would ocure in audio, but still with this hack every 20 minutes i get a slight distortion which
is no surprise.
Can someone shed light here if an implicite feedback device should show the exact momentäry fequency ?
Should i see also the 16.16 feedback format ?
I looked through all code and 'am still stunned where the sync
Btw: i have also attached ioreg information from macOS if this helps someone to dig deeper. I dumped driverless
"usb compliant" mode here with integer outcome for a quick overlook.
This so far ... Jens