Hi Tony,
On 20/02/2020 22.15, Tony Lindgren wrote:
- Peter Ujfalusi peter.ujfalusi@ti.com [200220 14:16]:
On 18/02/2020 23.16, Sebastian Reichel wrote:
I suppose in the end its a question if generic card can provide TDM support.
Sure it can, but can it handle the switching between the paths based on use cases? There should be machine level DAPM widgets to kick codec2codec (MDM6600
- CPAC_voice for example) and also to make sure that when you switch
between them the system is not going to get misconfigured. Switching between CPAC and BT route during call? Not allowing VoIP while on call, etc.
Well I guess the key thing to check here is if it's enough to keep track of things in the cpcap codec driver. If cpcap is always involved, that should be sufficient.
The codec driver should keep track on what it can do, but should not start policing the outside world. The machine driver knows the connections and should tell the components on what to do.
- Péter
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