On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 9:21 AM, Daniel Mack zonque@gmail.com wrote:
On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Evan Ta evan.ta.88@gmail.com wrote:
as subj says: can you tell me how the Zoom R16 is doing? The hardware
nice, but the latest info I can find is a seemingly unresolved failure to work with Alsa as of feb 2010.
Yes, it's currently unsupported. The device doesn't comply to the USB audio spec, and nobody with such hardware has yet taken the time to implement a driver.
You can try contact their support and ask whether they are willing to release the protocol spec under a free licence, that could speed up the process. Otherwise, someone will need to trace the communication and reverse-engineer it.
I wrote them an email explaining the problem.
Should they (however improbable) decline to post the proper specs, can you suggest a similar multi channel mixer / recorder that works with Alsa?
Thanks Evan