The spinner did not actually provide information about the status of the file upload, and caused other problems: it would repeatedly spawn new pgrep processes (without a delay between them), and it blocked the script if any wget process was running on the system.
Signed-off-by: David Ward david.ward@ll.mit.edu --- alsa-info/alsa-info.sh | 14 ++------------ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/alsa-info/alsa-info.sh b/alsa-info/alsa-info.sh index 7204c8e..f958599 100755 --- a/alsa-info/alsa-info.sh +++ b/alsa-info/alsa-info.sh @@ -849,22 +849,12 @@ else
if [[ -z $PASTEBIN ]]; then echo -n "Uploading information to www.alsa-project.org ... " - wget -O - --tries=5 --timeout=60 --post-file=$FILE http://www.alsa-project.org/cardinfo-db/ &>$TEMPDIR/wget.tmp & + wget -O - --tries=5 --timeout=60 --post-file=$FILE "http://www.alsa-project.org/cardinfo-db/" &>$TEMPDIR/wget.tmp else echo -n "Uploading information to www.pastebin.ca ... " - wget -O - --tries=5 --timeout=60 --post-file=$FILE http://pastebin.ca/quiet-paste.php?api=$PASTEBINKEY &>$TEMPDIR/wget.tmp & + wget -O - --tries=5 --timeout=60 --post-file=$FILE "http://pastebin.ca/quiet-paste.php?api=$PASTEBINKEY" &>$TEMPDIR/wget.tmp fi
-#Progess spinner for wget transfer. -i=1 -sp="/-|" -echo -n ' ' -while pgrep wget &>/dev/null -do - echo -en "\b${sp:i++%${#sp}:1}" -done - -echo -e "\b Done!" echo ""
fi # dialog