At Thu, 16 May 2013 15:07:04 +0000, LANGLOIS Olivier PIS -EXT wrote:
Sigh, automake should be renamed to automasochism...
Signed-off-by: Olivier Langlois
Thanks, applied.
BTW, at the next time, please specify which package to patch :)
I am not asking better than improve my patch submitting skill. Please explain exactly what was missing. I followed what is described at
When you say package was missing, are you referring to 'my module' in:
git format-patch -s -n -p --subject-prefix="PATCH - my module" remotes/origin/master
and in this particular case should 'my module' be configure or alsa-lib or something else?
You need to give two things, one is the repository to apply (alsa-lib, alsa-utils, etc) and another (optionally) is the internal component in the repo (pcm, configure, aplay, whatever). The former is usually included in "[PATCH xxx]" form, which is omitted when applied via git-am. So in the git commit, this won't be tracked. It's needed only to indicate which repo to apply.
The second, optional component part is usually given as a suffix following colon. So, in your case, a better subject line would have been something like:
[PATCH alsa-lib] configure: remove an obsolete macro