Hi Joseph, After checking the dsl of pipo, I think you should add the property values as follows in the ACPI configuration. Then you can check the driver can get these values in nau8824_read_device_properties. Name (_DSD, Package () { ToUUID ("daffd814-6eba-4d8c-8a91-bc9bbf4aa301"), Package () { /* Enable jack detection via JKDET pin */ Package () { "nuvoton,jkdet-enable", 1 }, /* * JKDET pin is pulled up by R389 on board. * JKDET pin polarity = active low */ Package () { "nuvoton,jkdet-pull-enable", 1 }, Package () { "nuvoton,jkdet-pull-up", 1 }, Package () { "nuvoton,jkdet-polarity", 1 }, /* VDDA(1.8) * 1.53 = 2.754 */ Package () { "nuvoton,micbias-voltage", 6 }, /* VREF Impedance = 125 kOhm */ Package () { "nuvoton,vref-impedance", 2 }, /* * Setup 4 buttons impedance according to * Android specification */ Package () { "nuvoton,sar-threshold-num", 4 }, Package () { "nuvoton,sar-threshold", Package() { 0x0a, 0x14, 0x26, 0x73 } }, /* * Coeff 0-15 used to adjust threshold level * 0 for low resist range */ Package () { "nuvoton,sar-hysteresis", 0 }, /* SAR tracking gain based on 2.754 micbias-voltage */ Package () { "nuvoton,sar-voltage", 6 }, /* 100ms short key press debounce */ Package () { "nuvoton,short-key-debounce", 3 }, /* 2^(7+2) = 512 ms insert/eject debounce */ Package () { "nuvoton,jack-insert-debounce", 7 }, /* debounce not needed for eject normally */ Package () { "nuvoton,jack-eject-debounce", 0 }, } })
BR. John Hsu AC30, Nuvoton Technology Corp. +886 3 5770066 Ext. 37111 KCHSU0@nuvoton.commailto:KCHSU0@nuvoton.com
From: Joseph Wang [mailto:joequant@gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2016 10:19 PM To: Pierre-Louis Bossart Cc: AP MS30 Linux ALSA; AC30 KCHsu0 Subject: Re: Cherry trail and Nau 88l24 codec
I've dumped the DSDT into a github gist
Nothing particularly strange to me stands out. I'm trying to get in touch twith the manufacturer, and I'm here in HK so if I get really bored or adventurous, I might just walk over to the factory and see if I can meet the designers directly. Also, just a note of thanks for the support for open source by Intel. I realize that driver design is a pain, but it's really useful. The reason that I'm extremely keen to get this working is that they've put together a new laptop configuration that I've never seen before. What they've done is to rip out the hard drive and replace it with an MMC device. That recreates a device that is both superlight and supercheap. [https://ssl.gstatic.com/ui/v1/icons/mail/images/cleardot.gif]
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