Dne 19. 01. 21 v 9:54 Takashi Iwai napsal(a):
I haven't looked closely, but if it's about MIDI messaging, it can be implemented in the kernel, too (only if it fits better than user-space), yes. If it's over HID, it's a different story, though.
Yes, it is only MIDI. The scenario is:
1) send a greeting message to the mixer
2) receive a greeting message
3) send another constant message
4) receive the response
5) compute something and send it back
6) receive the confirmation message
7) start sending a keep-alive message each 200 ms
Specific received messages might be consumed by kernel (invisible for user-space), but others should flow undisturbed to the user-space. The sent messages should be injected and intermixed with normal messages coming from user-space. The kernel should not claim exclusive access to the MIDI device, because user-space tools might want to use it too.
Is there already anything similar, for inspiration?