25 Apr
25 Apr
8:17 p.m.
On Apr 25, 2016, at 5:55 AM, Mark Brown broonie@kernel.org wrote:
If the clock code is worth splitting off into a separate driver that's what drivers/mfd is for.
I have my doubts that it’s worth splitting off into a separate driver. There’s not a lot of use for it outside of the internals of the tlv320aic3204. There is a provision for putting the PLL output on a GPIO pin of the chip, but I’m not sure that’s a justification for breaking out the clock stuff into its own driver. Nobody’s going to put a tlv320aic3204 chip on their boards because of the clocking; they’re going to put it there to be a codec.
-- Jeremy McDermond (NH6Z) Xenotropic Systems mcdermj@xenotropic.com