On 12/06/2017 11:30 AM, Mark Brown wrote:
On Wed, Dec 06, 2017 at 10:19:28AM -0600, Andrew F. Davis wrote:
On 12/06/2017 06:45 AM, Mark Brown wrote:
Then if you want to upstream the driver you'll have to add the platform data support again. Like I say not all architectures have anything other than board files.
Then they can try, but they will rightfully get nack'd and told to stop using board files and use DT/ACPI. Most upstream architectures don't use board files anymore anyway, so I doubt this will ever happen.
No. To repeat, not all architectures use DT or ACPI. Expecting someone to impelement DT or ACPI support for an entire architecture and try to bring the ecosystem for that architecture along in order to add machine support is obviously totally unreasonable.
That would be unreasonable I agree, but it's also completely hypothetical, as again, there are no in-tree users and most platforms are DT/ACPI, so the odds of anyone needing it are next to nothing.