On Mon, Jul 01, 2024 at 02:00:13PM +0000, Ding, Shenghao wrote:
I'll apply this but I do wonder if it's worth falling back to trying to load the unprefixed name if we fail to load the prefixed one.
If fail to load dsp firmware, the driver won't load unprefixed name firmware, but switch tas2563/tas2781 to bypass-dsp mode automatically. In this mode, smartamp become simple amp. These day, I met a case from one of my customers, they put 2 pieces of tas2563, and 2 pieces of tas2781 in the same i2c bus. In order to identify tas2563 and tas2781, I think name_prefix is a good solution for this case. Looking forward to your comment. Thanks.
Yes, the name_prefix is a good idea and probably people want things specifically tuned for the DSP - I was thinking about error handling or upgrade cases where wrong calibration might work better. Bypass mode means the device will still function at least.